Lean-to Conservatories

The simple shape of the lean-to conservatory gives you the maximum space in a highly economical style.

Lean-to Conservatories

Lean-to conservatories are also called ‘sunrooms’ or ‘garden rooms’ because they are made with just glass and frames; and they trap the winter sunlight and convert it into heat.


These conservatories are the simplest style as they originate from greenhouses, they are top of the list for homeowners wanting to create a room that can be used all year round, whatever the weather.


A huge benefit to Lean-to conservatories is that they are adaptable, the pitch of the roof can change to fit under the eaves of homes with limited space – like a bungalow. For example, a shallow pitch can fit under a low bungalow roof and a steeper pitch would be better suited for a terraced house as they are slimmer.